Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Last Week's Morning Messages  

Monday, January 6, 2020


Dear Students:

      You are the Best! Strive today, and every day into 2020 to live-up to this reputation of being the best!

     What does it mean to be the best?

     Self-control, determination to strive for excellence in all lessons and activities; to be kind and helpful, and responsible; to earn the pride of your parents, grandparents, and ancestors!

     Let's enjoy one another's company and get excited about this 2nd half of the school-year, here in your GREAT: Classroom 16!


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Dear Students:

      Happy Slaviq! Let's think a little more about that tradition we discussed yesterday. (Refers to the tradition celebrated in some far northern Eskimo villages, January 7th as the Russian Orthodox date for Christmas. Beginning on that date and sometimes going straight, night and day for 5 to as much as 10 days, villagers go house-to-house and in the designated house, they sing and the host cooks for the whole village and hands-out small gifts. Then they go to the next house, etc.)

     There is SO MUCH to learn about the world, about life and countries, cultures, peoples, and the history of it all that makes us, and our city, State, and country what it is today.

     Yet each day is new, a new opportunity to care for life, help life, and better ourselves so that we can be more important and enjoy life more fully.

     So, let's enjoy our story today, learn from it, enjoy Math and learn new skills in it, enjoy our History Lessons, so that today will be a very full and great day together!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Dear Students:

      Here we are again, thinking together, and experiencing together the joy and the discipline of learning, both which must balance each other; both are what School is all about.

     You know much now about what brings the Joy of Learning and what it takes to be self-disciplined for excellence.

     Let's talk about it, and share what we know with one another, and then let's have a great day!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, January 9, 2020


Dear Students:

      Just three days into school in 2020 now.... let's reflect a moment on ALL that we've packed-in already!

     School, and its challenges, is an amazing place that guides you to use your "Brain-power by the Hour," to advance you in excellence!

     I honor you as I watch you strive for excellence, but YOU dishonor me at any time you let yourself have a bad attitude about learning, or when you want everything to be easy, or when you lose your self-control and act immature.

     Your success, and Joy of Learning, depends on YOUR effort!

     Have a great day!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, January 10, 2020


Dear Students:

      So much knowledge! Whoa!!!

     Here in Classroom 16, we explore knowledge!

     Like the great ships that first crossed the oceans to new lands, to new cultures, to new Geography and wildlife, to new opportunities, so we too travel every day, venturing forth, fearless, undaunted by the challenges.

     Happy journey!

     Don't fall overboard!


           Mr. Stathis